Text Bram van Lindert
Photo Josje Deekens
If you are being posted abroad and your partner will be joining you, you’ll want to be well prepared and you probably have a lot of questions. Questions like: Can my partner work abroad? How do I arrange accommodation? What about my children’s education? And where can I apply for my visa and passport? 3W WorldWide Working helps staff and their partners and family members prepare for a posting abroad, as well as providing assistance during the posting and on returning to the Netherlands.

‘The happiness of partners and family members is essential for a successful posting.’
A posting abroad has a significant impact on a staff member’s private life, which is why the decision to accept one needs to be taken together with their partner and family members. ‘3W sees partners as an integral part of the group of staff posted from The Hague,’ says Hadewych Dautzenberg, head of the Staff and Family Members Information Unit (VMG). ‘We want to support partners as much as possible on the adventure that is a posting abroad. And to do this, we need to understand their needs. We gain insight into these needs through 3W's Partner Plaza and through the Partners Council, an independent partner representation group.’
Support for partners
The support we provide to partners is aimed at informing them about relevant policies, legislation and procedures, like those relating to pension provisions and their own professional development. In addition, we try to refer partners to the relevant authorities, help them find their way and provide tips and advice regarding the questions they have for these authorities,’ says Hadewych.
In order to inform partners properly and prepare them for what they will encounter before, during and after a posting, 3W uses a range of dedicated communication channels. On the website SSO3W.nl partners can find clear step-by-step guides, written in plain language, about which regulations apply and what allowances are available. The website also offers useful tips and checklists. During orientation and information meetings, partners can ask 3W questions and receive one-on-one advice regarding their specific situation. In addition, 3W offers partners training, courses and webinars. And if a partner needs help during a posting, 3W is there to listen and advise.

'It’s very important to think carefully about what you want to get out of the adventure of living abroad.’
Cooperation with Partners Council
To support partners, 3W works closely with relevant BZ policy departments, but is also in direct contact with representatives of the Partners Council, such as Jeroen Jacobs. He has just returned from Wellington, New Zealand, his second posting as a partner. Jeroen has returned his diplomatic passport to the Consular Service Centre, but remains a member of the Partners Council. ‘We want to involve partners in the placement process as early as possible, so that they have a good idea of what it means to accompany a BZ staff member posted abroad,’ he says. After his first posting in Madrid, he didn't expect a big culture shock in New Zealand. One thing he did struggle with was the time difference with the Netherlands. This was mainly due to the fact that his employer was based in the Netherlands. Jeroen worked remotely for a Dutch start-up company in the evenings and for a New Zealand government organisation during the day. And alongside this very busy schedule, he had to make choices that would serve him well in the short term and also later when he returned to the Netherlands. ‘As a partner, it’s very important to think carefully about what you want to get out of the adventure of living abroad before you agree to go along.’.
‘3W and the Partners Council want to support partners as best as possible before, during and after a posting.’

3W Partner Plaza is a real success. It’s great to see how partners can connect with each other and with 3W to share their knowledge and experiences.’
Community platform for partners
‘We think it’s important to hear partners’ stories in order to better understand how we can support them That’s why we see partners as a sounding board and would like to hear from them about how we can improve our services,’ says Hadewych. A year and a half ago, 3W launched the 3W Partner Plaza online community. This is an online platform where partners of BZ staff can easily connect with one another, share experiences and ask questions. The Partners Council was directly involved in setting up Partner Plaza and provided useful feedback.
More than 470 partners are already members of Partner Plaza. That’s about half of all partners of staff posted or about to be posted abroad. Partners help each other with questions and 3W can direct them to other information or the relevant authorities. Sander Timmers is a Partner Plaza community manager as well as a seasoned expert when it comes to being a partner of a BZ staff member posted abroad. He has spent a total of 15 years as a partner abroad, so he is particularly well equipped to bridge the gap between partners and BZ.

Sharing experiences
Sander believes the platform provides 3W with more insight into what partners are dealing with and the problems they can experience. ‘3W Partner Plaza is proving to be a real success for both 3W and partners. It allows lots of people to connect with each other and share their knowledge and experiences. In addition, it’s helped to improve communication and contact between 3W and partners. It enables 3W to provide extra information or improve existing information based on the questions and discussions on the platform. For example, questions about cars (import, export, insurance) led to the addition of a FAQs page on this topic on the 3W website. And a partner who was pregnant helped to make a step-by-step plan for things to keep in mind when you give birth abroad.’
Partner Plaza has several subgroups offering useful information about education and children, living abroad, foreign partners, and LGBTIQ+ partners. Jeroen speaks very highly of the platform: 'Partner Plaza focuses on the practical issues that partners have to deal with during a posting, such as housing and their children's education. The Partners Council also has its own subgroup where we can easily share messages, organise Zoom sessions for partners and collaborate with the board members.
Partners Council
The Dutch Foreign Affairs Partners Council (DFAPC) is an independent group made up of and providing services for partners of BZ staff. Its purpose is to represent the interests of all partners during all phases of a posting abroad. The Partners Council was established in April 2022 and is formally recognised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Partners Council is made up of 13 partners of BZ staff posted all around the world. If you are a partner of a BZ staff member posted abroad and you’d like to join the Partners Council, you can sign up through Partner Plaza.
Building a strong relationship with partners
Many staff at 3W have themselves been posted abroad in the past, either as BZ staff or as a partner of a BZ staff member. They know from experience what partners need, such as opportunities for their own development. Hadewych: ‘It’s great that 3W is able to decide how best we can support partners. It means we can build a strong bond with partners and ensure we maintain a warm and supportive relationship. This is something we have invested heavily in in recent years and it’s something that we’re committed to.’
Want to know more about 3W WorldWide Working?
(Please note: links to Rijksportaal pages are only accessible to central government employees)
- Partner | SSO3W
- WorldWide Working | SSO3W
- 3W annual report (sso3w.nl)
- 3W | WorldWide Working - Rijksportaal (overheid-i.nl) (only accessible to central government employees)
- Register your partner for 3W Partner Plaza via BZelf
- If you have a question about how 3W supports partners, please don’t hesitate to contact VMG.